Divorce can be one of the most challenging hurdles to overcome. It can be taxing on an individual’s mental and even physical health. Even if a divorce is uncontested and both parties choose to separate amicably, everyone needs to heal from a divorce.
Even when the divorce is final and you’re no longer associated with your ex, there may be some challenges to overcome. You’ll need to figure out your living situation, change bank account information, file taxes as a divorcee, etc. It can be easy to lose yourself during the divorce process or even in the marriage if it were toxic or unhealthy. Whatever the circumstances, you’ll need to reconnect with yourself post-divorce. Keep reading to learn how you can rediscover yourself post-divorce to make the healing process a little easier.
Focus on You
Relationships are all about compromise. Regardless of the type of relationship you had or who you were married to, we all have to compromise in marriage to please the other individual at some point. This may include when you had to spend the holidays with your now-former in-laws, being involved in activities you didn’t enjoy or hanging out with your former spouse’s friends you weren’t fond of. Whether you were married for months, years, or decades, you had to compromise in your marriage.
Now that you’re single, enjoy being this time to focus on you. You no longer need to compromise to make your partner happy. Explore new activities that appeal to you, go on a trip that your former spouse didn’t want to go on, spend as much time with family and friends as you desire, take those fitness classes, etc. Being focused on you post-divorce and making time for yourself will help you rediscover who you were before the marriage and who you are post-divorce.
Take a Break
The process of divorce can be exhausting, especially if your former spouse presented some challenges. Oftentimes divorce brings out different sides of people and it involves a lot of preparation and time. It can wear you out fast and there’s a sense of relief once it’s settled. You deserve to take a break once the process is over and the divorce is final.
Take some time off of work and escape. Go on that vacation that your spouse never wanted to go on or take a staycation surrounded by loved ones. Whatever you choose to do, be sure to take a break post-divorce that includes a break from work so you can focus on rediscovering yourself. You’ll want to escape reality for a while to relax and hit the refresh button.
Seek Professional Help
It’s perfectly fine to seek professional help if you’re grieving the end of your marriage or if you’re having a hard time rediscovering yourself post-divorce. A therapist can help you navigate the grieving process of divorce as well as help you feel yourself again. Speaking to a neutral party following a divorce is a great way to mend the pain of the end of the marriage.
Start Dating When You’re Ready
Getting back in the game may seem daunting; you’ve been married and haven’t been on a first date in quite some time. The whole dating process can seem a little overwhelming, however, taking the first step to start dating again can help you heal post-divorce. Social interactions are a mood booster and dating can have a positive impact on your mental health.
So when should you start dating again? This is entirely up to you. You don’t have to start dating again until you feel ready and are open to the idea. Everyone is different and some may date soon after a divorce while some choose to wait a year or so. In fact, in a recent study, nearly 65% of divorced women were ready to date within the first year of their divorce. There is no perfect timeframe for you to start dating again; you’ll know when you’re ready.
Rediscovering yourself post-divorce is an important part of the healing process. Being selfish, taking a break, seeking professional help, and dating when you’re ready are some great steps you can take to find yourself again.
If you’re currently going through a divorce or if you’re searching for a child custody attorney, the family law attorneys at The Law Office of Young, Kuhl & Frick, LLC can help. We’re dedicated to the practice of family law and can help guide you through any family law matter keeping your best interests in mind. With over fifty-three years of combined legal experience, our family law firm is comprised of a team that’s skilled in both negotiation and litigation, handling family law matters from the most complex to the most straightforward.
We have offices in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and Leawood, Kansas (consultations by appointment only). In addition to our two physical locations, our firm’s family and divorce attorneys have practiced in Jackson, Clay, Cass, Lafayette, and Platte County, Missouri as well as Johnson County, Kansas. Contact our family law firm today to schedule a consultation – we’re able to meet in person or face-to-face via Zoom.