Dealing With A Toxic Coparent

How to Handle Harassment From a Toxic Co-Parent

In News by YKF Law

Some co-parenting relationships are easier than others; in some, each parent does an excellent job communicating with each other, while some co-parenting relationships are harder. Sometimes co-parents argue, ignore each other, and do things despite the other’s requests. Therefore, some co-parenting relationships result in harassment which can take its toll on everyone involved.

If you are the victim of harassment from a co-parent, you’re not alone. Whether you have 50/50 custody, sole custody, or anything in between, harassment can occur. Continue reading to learn what harassment is and some tips for handling harassment from a co-parent so you can learn how to deal with a toxic ex and successfully co-parent.

How Can a Co-Parent Harass You?

Harassment can come in many forms and isn’t as simple as a threat. Harassment is defined as an unwanted behavior that makes the one being harassed uncomfortable. When dealing with a toxic co-parent, they can harass you in many ways. Below are just a few examples of how a co-parent can harass you:

  • Blaming you
  • Threatening you
  • Badmouthing you
  • Calling you nonstop
  • Posting about you on social media
  • Physical harassment

If you’ve experienced any of the above examples, you’ve experienced harassment from your ex. There are some ways to deal with harassment – continue reading to learn more.

How to Handle Harassment from a Toxic Co-Parent

Talk With Someone

It can be emotionally taxing to deal with a harassing ex. Sharing children means you have to see each other often and communicate regularly. When an ex is harassing you, it can make you feel lousy, angry, and sad, among other emotions. If you’re dealing with harassment from a toxic co-parent, don’t deal with it alone – tell someone what’s going on. Talking it through with a family member, friend, or therapist is a great way to get your emotions out and keep someone aware of what’s happening.

Don’t Stoop to Their Level

It’s challenging to remain calm and levelheaded when someone is harassing you. However, don’t stoop to their level out of annoyance or anger. While it’s tempting to name call, blame, and argue with them, refrain from doing so. Stooping to their level won’t help the situation, and can ignite their anger, leading them to harass you even more. Try your best to remain calm and neutral when they’re acting in a less-than-desirable way.

Keep Proof of Harassment

If your ex is leaving you harassing voicemails, text messages, social media posts, emails, notes, or anything else that can serve as evidence, keep them. Keeping proof of harassment can be used in your family law matter, helping your attorney with your case. Social media and text message can impact any family law case, so it’s best to keep proof of any harassing posts or messages.

Speak With Your Lawyer

Your family law attorney or child custody lawyer is a great resource if your co-parent is harassing you. Because they handled your divorce or child custody case, they can help if you tell them your ex is harassing you. If you keep proof of harassment then your attorney can present it to the court. Evidence that proves they’re harassing you such as text messages, voicemails, and emails, may help your case.

Don’t Hesitate to Contact the Police

If your ex is threatening you or making you feel unsafe in any way, don’t hesitate to contact the police to file a report. You do not have to live in fear due to a harassing ex and have the right to protect yourself. The police can file a report and keep you safe if you feel threatened.

Dealing with a harassing co-parent can be exhausting. Because you have to deal with them often, it can take its toll on your well-being if they’re constantly putting you down or making you feel uncomfortable. Any of the above tips are great ways to deal with harassment from a co-parent and can make your situation a little easier.

If you are dealing with a harassing ex or need an attorney for a child custody case in Kansas (in and around the Leawood area) or a family law attorney in Kansas City and the surrounding area, the Law Office of Young, Kuhl & Frick, LLC can help. We can also help modify an existing parenting plan or help with any child custody matter. 

We’re dedicated to the practice of family law and can help guide you through any family law matter, keeping your best interests in mind. With over fifty-five years of combined legal experience, our family law firm is a team skilled in negotiation and litigation, handling family law matters from the most complex to the most straightforward.

We have offices in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and Leawood, Kansas (consultations by appointment only). In addition to our two physical locations, our firm’s family and divorce attorneys have practiced in Jackson, Clay, Cass, Lafayette, Platte County, Missouri, and Johnson County, Kansas. Contact our family law firm today to schedule a consultation – we can meet in person or via Zoom.